
About The Book

This lovely, well-written book is concerned foremost with creating typography and is essential for professionals who regularly work for clients.

Author writes about designing with the correct typeface; striving for rhythm, proportion, and harmony; choosing and combining type; designing pages; using section heads, subheads, footnotes, and tables; applying kerning and other type adjustments to improve legibility; and adding special characters, including punctuation and diacritical marks.

The Elements of Typographic Style teaches the history of and the artistic and practical perspectives on a variety of type families that are available in Europe and America today.

A few hundred years of type and typography have established rules that only a fool would ignore.


Typography Expo, WA, USA

8:00 PM

New York Expo 2015, NYC, USA

Europe Tour, Paris, FR

Europe Tour, Belgrade, SRB

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Nicolas Adamson

3125 Flanigan Oaks Drive
Capitol Heights, MD 20027

+ 301 324 9131
